Jyoti Verma


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle and safe hands-on healing technique. Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal life force energy. Reiki balances and harmonizes the human body and works at an emotional and spiritual level. Reiki promotes holistic health and provides a deep state of relaxation.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki, which is the Life force energy works holistically on the client. During a session, life force energy connects with the client's aura and chakras. The practitioner acts only as a channel. The pure energy breaks down any energy disruptions and balances energy pathways in the client.

What does Reiki do?

  • Balances energy pathways in the body
  • Promotes self healing.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Aids in positive thinking.
  • Reiki energy strengthens the immune system.
  • It aids in faster recovery following surgery.
  • Heals holistically by harmonizing the mind, body, and soul.

Can Reiki be used on any illness?

Yes, we can use Reiki for any illness. It helps restore the balance in the body. It can relieve and even remove symptoms. It works in harmony with any medical treatment client is receiving and allows the client to recover faster.

Please note that one should never use Reiki instead of medical treatment. We use it as a complementary therapy.

How does Long distance Reiki work?

Long-distance healing is when the practitioner sends healing energy from a distance to the receiver. The life force energy is omnipresent and free-flowing. It is unrestricted by time or space boundaries and is just as powerful when sent remotely. During Long distance reiki sessions, the reiki master focuses this energy flow on the client, which allows the healing and recovery.

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